Thursday, February 25, 2010


Remember happiness doesn't depend upon who you are
or what you have;
it depends solely on what you think.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Dale Carnegie


Thursday, February 11, 2010


This is a piece that I got at an antique store in North Carolina.  Have a terrific day!


Monday, February 8, 2010

Flea Market Style

A new magazine!

I adore magazines.  Love magazines.  Am addicted to magazines.  I've been so sorry to see some of my favorite magazines disappear in recent months.  Magazines are my relaxation, my escape - the thick, glossy pages transport me to different places, give me inspiration and warm my heart.  And now, there is a new one - Flea Market Style

This is a magazine that is co-edited by Matthew Mead and Ki Nassauer - both super talented.  And a couple of my favorite bloggers, Linda McDonald of Restyled Home and Heather Bullard, are involved too.   The first issue is due out now - I hope you find it in your town and pick up a copy.

I know I'll have a copy because I was their grand prize winner!  I'm going to get a bunch of goodies - including a copy of the magazine.  I am thrilled!  Delighted!

Flea Market Style... it makes me smile!
